Histoires en vidéo

Stigma Stories Tyrone
Stigma Stories Tyrone
Have you ever faced stigma in relation to addictions or mental health? Would you be interested in developing a short video about your experience? Your video could be considered for inclusion in the website by the Addiction and Mental Health Network of Champlain. Submit your video to amhnc.stigma.stories@gmail.com http://stigmastories.ca/index.php/en/
Stigma Stories LauraREAL
Stigma Stories LauraREAL
Have you ever faced stigma in relation to addictions or mental health? Would you be interested in developing a short video about your experience? Your video could be considered for inclusion in the website by the Addiction and Mental Health Network of Champlain. Submit your video to amhnc.stigma.stories@gmail.com http://stigmastories.ca/index.php/en/
Stigma Stories Kathleen
Stigma Stories Kathleen
Have you ever faced stigma in relation to addictions or mental health? Would you be interested in developing a short video about your experience? Your video could be considered for inclusion in the website by the Addiction and Mental Health Network of Champlain. Submit your video to amhnc.stigma.stories@gmail.com http://stigmastories.ca/index.php/en/





nom masculin : stigma; nom au pluriel : stigmas
Une marque de déshonneur associé à une circonstance particulière, une qualité, ou une personne.


honte, disgrâce, déshonneur, ignominie, opprobre, humiliation


‘’le stigma de la faillite’’
‘’le stigma de la santé mentale’’

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